Blackjack Strategizer 2.0


There's a new version of Blackjack Strategizer in the App Store. This was a pretty big update, the biggest yet, so it's been dubbed 2.0.

It's the "iOS 7 update" (released after iOS 8 was announced. Sigh, side projects.). A complete graphical overhaul, I got rid of the felt and leather textures to make way for simplified designs that fall in line with the iOS 7 design principles.

There really aren't any new features to speak of, it's more or less the same exact functionality. In fact, what's more interesting is what I removed than what I added:

I did get to add some stuff. The custom UIViewController transitions are pretty neat.

As for what's next, it's a side project app and realistically I'll probably only do one more update over the course of the next year. The biggest thing people ask for is an iPad version, and given how Universal apps are going to be much simpler to build in iOS 8, thanks to Adaptivity and the Storyboard improvements, I may finally make one. Going on both devices would also be a great chance to finally try out Core Data syncing via iCloud, showing the user's play history across all of their devices.